Data on the number of permits currently issued in Alabama counties is shown below. The state has a total of approximately 470,005 permits, about 12.6% of the population over 18 years of age. A couple of the counties have more than 18 percent of their adult population with permits.
The article in notes that Alabama is number 1 in terms of the number of concealed handgun permits, but it is very likely that the six states that allow carrying without a permit have higher rates that people are carrying (Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Montana (99.4% of the state), Wyoming, and Vermont). It would have been nice if the article had provided some balance and noted what most of the literature had found on crime rates. Donohue's claims about my work hadn't accounted for the impact of crack cocaine is simply disingenuous (for discussions in the 3rd edition of More Guns, Less Crime see here and here, but it was dealt with in my original research with David Mustard and the first edition of More Guns, Less Crime).
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